Courses tagged with "ISA.L.FAF"

FAF.RC21.1 Rețele de calculatoare

Begin preparing for a networking career with this introduction to how networks operate.  This first course in the 3-course CCNA series introduces architectures, models, protocols, and networking elements – functions needed to support the operations and priorities of Fortune 500 companies to small innovative retailers. You’ll even get the chance to build simple local area networks (LANs) yourself.  You’ll have a working knowledge of IP addressing schemes, foundational network security, and be able to perform basic configurations for routers and switches. You’ll also earn a Networking Academy badge for completing this course.  No prerequisites required.

FAF.DAS21.1 Dezvoltarea aplicațiilor securizate

The DAS PBL Project aims to develop an application while approaching the security aspects at all stages of the development process. Students must first analyze the flow of sensitive data in their application and perform a threat modeling to detect possible threats and vulnerabilities. Next, they need to implement their application while combating the detected threats and following community best practices. As a result, students deliver a well secured application to solve a real world problem.

FAF.SI21.1 Sisteme Incorporate

  Un Sistem Incorporat reperezinta un dispozitiv sau echipament realizat prin inginerie din diferite domenii cu ar fi Inginerie  Mecanica (ME)Inginerie Electrica (EE), si Inginerie Software (SWE)

In cadrul acestui curs se studiaza aspectele de structura si functionalitate a unui Sistem Incorporat, din perspectia unei arhitecturi generice, si analiza  componentelor acesteia cum ar fi Interactiunea cu UtilizatorulSensoriActuatoriDiagnozeControlProcesare si Comunicare, realizand diverse aplicatii pentru accentuarea rolului acestora in sistem.