Тематический план

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  • Fișa disciplinei + Curriculum

  • Student Internship_general description

    Internships are meant to provide students with practical experience and exposure to their chosen field.

    • Project topic: Basics of Application Development
    • Duration: 4 weeks in September
    • Daily hours: 6 hours/day
    • Credits: 8 ECTS
    • Form of evaluation: Exam at the end of the semester
    • 2nd year of studies
    • Free-riding Protocol

      MultiBrief: What can we do about free riders?'FREE RIDERS' are students who, being part of a team, profit from the input and energy of their fellow students without making an equal contribution themselves in return.

      • Mandatory attendance: All team members must attend the internship as scheduled. Attendance will be monitored and recorded by the company supervisor.
      • Attendance tracking: Each member is required to sign an attendance sheet daily, which will be reviewed weekly by the team leader and company supervisor. The weekly attendance sheet will be uploaded on ELSE together with weekly progress report.
      • Excused absences: Any absences must be pre-approved by the company supervisor. Documentation will be required.
      • Eligibility for final report signature: Only team members who have met their responsibilities, have actively contributed to the project and the final report are eligible to sign the cover page. Contribution is defined as meaningful involvement in research, task completion, report writing and daily attendance.
      • Dispute resolution: Any disputes regarding contributions will be resolved through a meeting with the company supervisor, university mentor and all involved members. Final decisions will be documented.

      Consequences for free riding:

      • Initial warning: Any member identified as not contributing adequately will receive a formal warning from the team leader and all involved members.
      • Corrective action plan: A corrective action plan will be developed with specific goals and deadlines for the underperforming member.
      • Continued non-compliance: If the member continues to underperform, a meeting will be held with the company supervisor, university mentor to discuss further actions, which may include removal from the team or failing the internship.

      By adhering to this protocol, we aim to ensure fairness, accountability, and the success of our team projects and internships.

      • General objectives:

        Creating Effective Objectives: Part 1

        1. Apply theoretical knowledge into practice.
        2. Develop practical and technical skills relevant to their field.
        3. Gain exposure to the professional work environment.
        4. Build professional relationships and networks.

        By achieving these objectives, students will be better prepared for their future careers, with a clearer understanding of their field and a stronger set of skills and experiences to draw upon.


          1. Caiet de practică

          2. Contract de practică

          3. Raport de practică

          4. Prezentare PPT

          • Project Requirements

            Basis of Application Development

            Description: This semester's PBL project focuses on the foundational aspects of application development. Students will gain practical experience in designing and implementing applications, covering both frontend and backend development. Emphasis will be placed on understanding application architecture, developing robust code, and ensuring the application meets user requirements.


            1. Application Architecture: Understand and apply fundamental principles of application architecture
            2. Coding Practices: Develop clean, maintainable, and efficient code.
            3. Integration: Learn to integrate various components and services within an application.

            Technical requirements

            Frontend development:

            1. Responsive Design: Ensure the application works seamlessly on various devices and screen sizes.
            2. Frontend Frameworks: Utilize modern frontend frameworks (e.g., React, Angular, Vue, etc.) to streamline development
            3. User Interface: Create an intuitive and user-friendly interface with consistent styling and navigation.

            Backend development:

            1. Data Processing: Implement efficient data processing and business logic.
            2. API Development: Develop RESTful APIs for communication between frontend and backend.
            3. Error Handling: Implement robust error handling and logging mechanisms.

            Database management:

            1. Data Storage: Use appropriate data models and structures for efficient data storage and retrieval.
            2. Design normalized databases to maintain data integrity.

            Expected outcomes:

            1. Functional Application: A functional application that demonstrates the application of core development principles.
            2. Component Integration: Smooth integration of frontend, backend, and database components.
            3. Comprehensive Documentation: Detailed documentation covering application architecture, design decisions, code structure, and testing procedures.
            4. Presentation: A final presentation showcasing the developed application, discussing the challenges faced and solutions implemented.

            Actions for students:

            1. Requirement Analysis: Gather and analyze requirements for the application.
            2. Design: Develop a detailed design plan, including application architecture and data models.
            3. Implementation: Write and integrate code for both frontend and backend components.
            4. Documentation: Maintain comprehensive documentation throughout the project lifecycle.
            5. Presentation: Prepare and deliver a final presentation demonstrating the application and discussing development experiences.
            • Weekly activity report (Fișă de activitate săptămânală)

              During their internship, students should write a detailed weekly activity progress report to document their experiences, achievements, and learning outcomes.

              Here are some insights to be included in the weekly report:

              • Provide a brief overview of the week's activities and highlights.
              • List the tasks and activities worked on each day. Include specific details.
              • Describe briefly any tasks or activities completed during the week.
              • Highlight any significant milestones reached.
              • Note specific contributions made to the team or project.
              • Write about different training sessions or workshops attended.

              Evaluation criteria:

              • The weekly reports: well-organized with clear headings and subheadings.
              • The information: accurate and detailed; logically sequenced and easy to follow.
              • Technical information:  accurate, detailed, and demonstrates deep understanding.
              • The report: uploaded by the specified deadlines.
            • Useful links:

              • https://else.fcim.utm.md/pluginfile.php/91210/mod_resource/content/0/Regulament-privind-organizarea-%C5%9Fi-desf%C4%83%C8%99urarea-stagiilor-de-practic%C4%83-a-studen%C8%9Bilor-UTM.pdf
              • https://else.fcim.utm.md/pluginfile.php/91209/mod_resource/content/0/Ghid%20pentru%20organizarea%20stagiilor%20de%20practica%20la%20UTM.pdf
              • https://else.fcim.utm.md/pluginfile.php/91207/mod_resource/content/0/Ghid_metodic_pentru%20organizarea%20%C5%9Fi%20sus%C8%9Binerea%20stagiilor%20de%20practic%C4%83_Cuprins.pdf
              • https://else.fcim.utm.md/pluginfile.php/91211/mod_resource/content/0/Securitatea%20muncii%20la%20calculator.pdf