"; echo""; echo""; echo""; echo"English grammar"; echo""; echo""; $correct = 0; $input1 = array(); $answer1 = array("living", "staying", "running", "winning", "cycling", "It wasn't raining", "Was it raining?", "They were playing", "Were they playing?", "I was listening", "I wasn't listening", "Caron was eating", "Was Caron eating?", "You weren't singing", "Were you singing?", "were", "was", "was", "were", "were", "He was washing the car", "She was going home", "They weren't matching watch", "You were working in the shop", "I wasn't reading a magazine", "Was she sitting on a chair?", "Were you picking your bag?", "Was his head aching?", "Were you drinking tea?", "Were you repairing the bike?", "Where was he doing language course?", "What was Andrew carrying ?", "Who was testing your English?", "When were you having dinner?", "Why was Sally hurrying to school?"); if ($_REQUEST['submitB']){ //Проверяет, что было введено поле name $valid_form = true; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { $k = "question".$i; $input1[$i] = $_REQUEST[$k]; if ($input1[$i] == $answer1[$i]){ $correct++; } } echo"Всего ".$correct." правильных ответов из 5"; } echo""; echo""; ?>