Why did you enroll in this course ? (Check all that apply.)
Please choose the option below that best describes your current goal or motivation for taking Cisco Networking Academy courses:
This course as a whole
Curriculum Materials:
Classroom Instruction:
Interactive activities:
Access to Equipment / Software:
Packet Tracer
Assessment (including quizzes, module exams, and the final exam):
Please rate your confidence with the overall skills you learned in this course:
Rate the reading level of this course:
Please rate how easy it is for you to access the course materials online from home:
Please rate how easy it is to use a computer in your classroom:
Please rate how easy it is to use equipment in your classroom:
Please indicate how enthusiastic you are about the content of this course and the things you're learning (or have learned) :
Please rate your motivation to do well in this course
Please indicate your interest in this course
Are you currently employed in a Technology field?
Is your career goal to work in IT and/or networking
The cisco Networking Academy Program furthered my goals
How would you like to see the course improved? (Check all that apply)
How likely are you to recommend this course to others?
How likely are you to recommend the Cisco Academy Program to others ?