Raport final

Follow the below recomendations for the final report (min 50 pages):

One report per team, that constitutes the first half of the thesis project of said team.

The contents are, in the order of precedence:


2. Domain analysis (problem definition, domain description, existing solutions and comparative analysis). The reason for existence and usefulness of the developed project.

3.Specification – Functional and non-functional requirements.

4.Project architecture – Modeling using UML diagrams. Mandatory:Component, Deployment, Use Case; wiggle room, pick 2: Sequence, Activity,State, Class. Refer to the “4+1” Architecture.

5.Task listing/decomposition – Work breakdown structure.

6. Project management view – Pick a paradigm (iterative vs sequential). Task scheduling and prioritization. Define 2-3 success metrics/KPIs for your project.


For text editing you will be using LaTeX(a safe choice is Overleaf). The focus (at least for this PBL project) is high quality content, with low levels of bullshit.
Also, consider using Grammarly, it’s a free tool that will help you fix not just spelling but also bad grammar and awkward sentence formulations.