Тематический план

  • Midterm 1


    1. The project proposal needs to be reviewed/admitted on ELSE.

    2. The presentation slides should be submitted on the Presentation assignment (Midterm1_Presentation_{Name}_{Surname}_{FAF20X}: where X is the last digit of your group ID). If the slides are the same, 1 submission per team is enough.

    3. The 1st version of the report submitted until EOD of 25th of October (Midterm1_Report_{Name}_{Surname}_{FAF20X}: where X is the last digit of your group ID).

    Midterm process

    1. A 5 minutes presentation per team & around 2 minutes for Q&A.

    2. No phones/devices allowed, but you could have some notes (ideally you should use the slides as notes).

    3. In case you are working in teams, the team members should be equally involved in the presentation. If not, it will be taken into consideration at the evaluation.


    1. The evaluation criteria are are per the requirements from the guideline, midterm 1 section.

    2. Additionally there are penalties that might be applied:

        a. Using devices during presentation (-0.5);

        b. Not being involved in the presentation (-0.5…-1);

        c. Not using the naming conventions on the proposal, report & presentation slides (-0.5);

        d. Being late with submissions (-0.5).


    The second midterm will be organized in the following way:
    Students need to take part in a project that is different from the one that was chosen for the Bachelor’s thesis. The reason why we need to do this is to supposedly cover work
    time that should have been invested in the project, and also for diversity, which might help with achieving some of the goals of this subject (i.e. PSI), without putting too much
    emphasis on the thesis. Now, this extra effort can be done in the following 2 ways:

    Taking part in the Hackathon for Anti Human Trafficking solutions (24/10/2023);

    Working in teams on an additional project which is supposed to have the same weight as the projects developed during the Hackathon, according to the following

    Find a problem that needs to be solved. It can be the one of the problems from the Hackathon as well.

    Students will have to work in teams and present the following things on 5th December at the PSI class:

    •  A usual project presentation. The slides should represent the project.
    • ·An MVP which is supposed to help solving the problem which initiated the project.

    In order to be admitted to the second midterm, the previous requirements has to be fulfilled. This also means that all the students who have taken part in the Hackathon areby default admitted.

  • Evaluarea 2

    Follow the below recomendations for the draft of final report:

    One report per team, that constitutes the first half of the thesis project of said team.

    The contents are, in the order of precedence:

    1.Introduction – Domain analysis(problem definition, domain description, existing solutions and comparative analysis). The reason for existence and usefulness of the developed project.

    2.Specification – Functional and non-functional requirements.

    3.Project architecture – Modeling using UML diagrams. Mandatory:Component, Deployment, Use Case; wiggle room, pick 2: Sequence, Activity,State, Class. Refer to the “4+1” Architecture.

    4.Task listing/decomposition – Work breakdown structure.

    5.Project management view – Pick a paradigm (iterative vs sequential). Task scheduling and prioritization. Define 2-3 success metrics/KPIs for your project.

    1 and 2 are to be prepared for the first midterm exam, while the rest (3-5) are for the second midterm exam.

    For text editing you will be using LaTeX(a safe choice is Overleaf). The focus (at least for this PBL project) is high quality content, with low levels of bullshit.
    And the loveliest part -there are no page limits (neither upper nor lower bound)! Also, consider using Grammarly, it’s a free tool that will help you fix not just spelling but also bad grammar and awkward sentence formulations.

  • Evaluare finală

    Desfășurarea evaluării finale:

    1. Încărcarea raportului final, conform deadline-ului activității ( cerințele și structura raportului vedeți la activitatea Raport final)

    2. Prezentare raportului imprimat și copertat în ziua examenului.

    3. Interviu cu membrii comisiei.